Wednesday, March 15, 2017

My Final Predictions

I haven't been shy about saying this has been the hardest bracket for me to predict, so that's why for the first time ever, I filled out two different brackets. All you loyal patrons out there can say whatever you want, but I want to win a pool, so that's what I'm doing. 

That being said, I have a primary and secondary bracket--the primary is entered into all the money pools and the secondary for all the fun ones. Here is my Final Four for the primary:
Kansas (Champion)
Gonzaga (Runner Up)

I switched it up from my last prediction because I had an epiphany about Gonzaga: no one should beat them in their region. I think that this is the year that Gonzaga breaks through. They have everything a contender needs, and I think they will be rewarded. 

My secondary bracket's Final Four is 
North Carolina (Champion)
Arizona (Runner Up)

These aren't my picks, but I needed an alternative to win a pool, as that is my primary objective. Like Gonzaga, UNC has all the right pieces to go all the way, so I thought I'd give them a bid too. 

This is it. My final pre-tournament prediction of the year. It's been fun. Hopefully you enjoyed it as I much as I did. With that, happy bracketing and Rock Chalk. 

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