Saturday, March 25, 2017

I'm Officially BracketBusted

Tonight was a sad night. The Douglas Bracket of 2017 has officially died. With Kansas losing to Oregon in the Midwest Regional Final, my national champion was eliminated, causing my bracket and my heart to break. I really thought I had it this year. Gonzaga (my runner up) made the Final Four today, I had a unique championship matchup and virtually everyone else's Duke, Villanova or UCLA pick went down the drain. This was going to be my year. 

And then Kansas went and screwed it all up. Looking back (because hindsight is always 20/20), I maybe shouldn't have picked Kansas. I mean half their team was in some sort of legal trouble, so there's karma. They literally had no inside presence, and they had a reputation for not getting to the Final Four when they were a high seed. The warning signs were all there, but I ignored them because someone had to win it all right?  

So with that, I don't regret my Kansas pick, and I own it. They were my pick since the beginning of the year, and they grew on me as the season wore on. Like most years, it didn't work out the way I planned it, but that's what makes this whole process so much fun. Because when you do win that pool, it's a great feeling. I have to take the successes with the failures though, and that's why 2017 will be dedicated to the Jayhawk.  

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