Tuesday, October 9, 2018

How I Got An Xbox at Marquette Madness

It's Midnight Madness season for college basketball programs across the country as they introduce fans and students to their new teams for the upcoming season. I had the amazing opportunity to attend Marquette's version, fittingly titled, "Marquette Madness." In order to properly attend the event, I obviously had to wear one of signature fake college basketball jerseys that I order from China, so I went with the yellow Jimmy Butler Marquette one for clear reasons.

The Madness started at 9, so a group of my friends and I got to the Al McGuire Center at around 8:35, and we were greeted with about 300 slightly drunk college kids trying to cram their way through the door. Luckily we saw people at the front of the line and proceeded to cut about 250 of the 300 in the line. Absolutely no regrets.

We got arguably the best seats in the house as we were right next to the tunnel where all the players came out. I thought Marquette Madness was primed to be a good event, but then something crazy happened.

Some event coordinator asked my friend and I if we wanted to participate in a shooting contest with the girls basketball team. So we impulsively said "Hell yeah let's do it" with little regard to how nervous we actually got beforehand. My only goal before getting ready to start the contest was to not airball every shot I took. Luckily we started with a layup, so even my worst case of the butterflies couldn't shake me from missing that.

 I had no idea what we were supposed to do when I got ready to shoot. I couldn't hear a word anyone on the floor was saying, and the microphone just drowned out sound rather than enhanced it. I literally started shooting and just rolled with it. My partner hit her layup first and then I quickly followed. I drilled the free throw, which was huge for my confidence heading into the moneyball, and then after my partner made her three on the first try, I forced one in on my fourth. The entire team mobbed me even though I had no idea if we won or not. Again, I wasn't clear on the rules going in so I just started jumping and celebrating thinking that I won something cool. Well sure enough I actually did win something: an Xbox One S. So that's how Marquette Madness went from good to fucking unforgettable. (Shout out to Isabelle Spignola for basically carrying me throughout the entire thing too.)

Me getting busted for forgetting to wear a belt.
After that we were introduced to the men's team, which is probably a fringe top 25 squad heading into the season, we were then blasted to the past as B.o.B. took the stage and performed some of his hits from the 2011-2012 season. I heard people complaining that B.o.B sucked, but who the hell cares? The only reason that schools bring in performers is to ramp up the student body and express to recruits that they take basketball seriously. And Marquette proved that. If you're that upset about B.o.B. then go to an actual concert instead of a college basketball pep rally.

Overall Marquette Madness was an amazing experience. Sure I got my Xbox which is pretty fucking awesome, but the also accomplished its goal in getting the Marquette fanbase excited for the season. Good job Marquette.

Running to the 3pt line after confidently nailing the free throw. #BobbyBuckets

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