Saturday, December 2, 2017

Mick Cronin Had Himself a Day

Okay, by now I'm sure we are all aware of what happened this afternoon when Cincinnati visited Xavier in another edition of college basketball's second-best rivalry. In case you aren't, Xavier dominated Cincinnati from start to finish and won the game by a score of 89-76. Trevon Bluiett had a fantastic performance with 28 points. The Bearcats, who had played a pretty weak schedule up until this game, looked inexperienced and let Xavier (who has already had tough games like Baylor, @Wisconsin and @Arizona State) push them around. All in all, X looks like a Final Four team, Cincinnati looks ready for a typical first-weekend exit.

The game was still intense. The Cintas Center was absolutely rocking despite the lack of a close game, which I guess is a testament to how deep this rivalry is. But the real story of this whole game was what happened after.

To summarize, apparently JP Macura had told Mick Cronin to "f*** off" throughout the entire game, and Cronin, being the fiery little man he is, had to be restrained after the postgame handshake (I mean seriously haven't we learned our lesson? The Cincy/X games should just cut the handshake bullshit and acknowledge that these two teams will hate each other no matter how many "good games" are said.) because he charged after Macura (who has a documented history of this type of behavior) and reportedly asked "You want a piece of me, motherf***er?"

First off, here's a video.

Secondly, how the hell did Mick Cronin think this was gonna all go down if people didn't hold him back? Like seriously did he think he was gonna teach Macura a lesson on sportsmanship by punching him in the face? The whole thing is just hilarious to me. I mean charging at an opposing player isn't the optimal image, but it especially isn't after his team just got their asses handed to them. Mick Cronin just looks like a crybaby little brat. Maybe we should take the 'M' out of his name and replace it with a 'D.'

And if charging Macura wasn't bad enough, he acted even worse in his postgame press conference when he said "If [Macura] was playing for me, he wouldn’t play." 

I mean this might actually an okay thing to say if, I don't know, YOU DIDN"T JUST THREATEN TO FIGHT A KID HALF YOUR AGE. Honestly, how can this guy not realize how bad this looks for his entire program? And the funniest thing is that this seems to happen every year where Cronin makes a fool out of himself by doing something idiotic. He's always the first to call out a team on its bad sportsmanship, yet he continues to be one of college basketball's biggest asses.

The two things to take away from this game are:

1) Xavier is a pretty good basketball team

2) JP Macura RUNS Mick Cronin. Cronin just got torched by a guy who used the name 'Myles Fox Morrissey' on a fake ID that led to him getting arrested because he pulled his pants down at a bar. It's so clear now: JP Macura is college basketball's biggest and baddest villain. Screw Grayson Allen. Macura runs this sport now.

That is all.

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