Monday, June 5, 2017

NBA Finals Show Why College Basketball is Superior

I like to look at the NBA from an entertainment standpoint. This preference became especially true when the Bulls became stuck in the cycle of mediocrity about 3 seasons ago. Because I look at the NBA this way (not having much skin in the game), I have to say that these NBA Finals have been a disappointment thus far. I can't say it wasn't expected as the Warriors were the clear favorites heading into the Finals, but I wish there would've been at least one single-digit game in the first two. 

This is another example of why college basketball is better than the NBA. Sure it's nice to see the best two teams with loaded rosters go head to head, but this series hasn't been the payoff basketball fans had deserved after suffering though the first three rounds. College basketball, while not having the star power it used to, is always going to be exciting, especially in the postseason. 

Whether it's a first round upset or a Final Four Cinderella, the NCAA Tournament always brings new twists and turns. The NBA Playoffs...not so much. 

Listen, I can't blame the Warriors for being good or the Nets for being terrible. College basketball certainly has its annual contenders and its bottom feeders too. All I know is that after a long, tiresome, boring NBA season, I want some actual suspense when it matters most. College basketball never fails to deliver on that. 

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